Tag Archives: sugar-free jelly

My top 5 worst diet foods

Greetings pop pickers! Here’s another top 5 for you  –  the worst foods I’ve eaten when on a diet – usually because I took things to extremes and binged on them because they were ‘allowed’ instead of moderating my portions of normal, healthy food, instead. I cringe so much when I recall some of these and hope I’m not the only person to have ever lost their senses in such ways as dieting madness took hold of me…


5.Pasta n’ Sauce
A staple of the Slimming World regime and very tasty, for food out of a packet, it can be. Trouble is, like all ‘packet’ food, I severely doubt Pasta n’ Sauce is that good for you. Sure, it may fill you up, but I always felt uncomfortable chowing down on something that had to be re-hydrated to be eaten. And a lot of salt seemed to be involved, too. Slimming World deemed this ‘free food’ in the sense you can eat as much as you like of it, but the only thing I felt it was free of was nutrients…

4. Sugar-free jelly
When I dabbled with Weight Watchers last year, I was delighted to see that sugar-free jelly was allowed. If I was starving – and whilst I was on the ‘quickstart’ thingy I was a bit – I’d gobble one, or two, or, eek, maybe three of these. The amount of chemicals I cheerfully consumed in the process doesn’t bear thinking about. Again, I ask, “Weight Watchers – where oh where are the vitamins and minerals in this stuff?”

3. Weight Watchers yogurts
Whilst on Weight Watchers, I also got into the habit of stockpiling these little beauties – which I have to say are actually pretty tasty. But again, I would take things to extremes – at only 1 point or less each, I was packing away an enormous amount of aspartame-laced dairy items each and every day. A balanced diet? Good Lord, no! I have also in the last year developed a dairy intolerance – milk and yogurts now play havoc with my skin, and all I can get away with is the odd bit of cheese. What a mess…

2.MullerLight yogurts 
Pretty much the same deal as the WW yogurts, except that I was allowed as many as I liked of these on Slimming World. So I did. I’d have several a day – and these are pretty hefty yogurts – fitting the bloody things in the fridge was always a challenge. At the time I was attending a weekly ‘Fat Club’ (as we called it) consisting of several friends, all keen to shift our post baby blubber. Most of us were informally following the Slimming World plan. Once I squirmed inside when my pals chitchatted about the merits of MullerLight. “Bit worried about the artifical sweeteners in them, mind.” said one. “Oh, I wouldn’t worry – I can only ever manage one or two a day, so that’s alright, isn’t it?” replied another and I watched, red-faced, as everyone else nodded in agreement. Oh dear, oh dear.

1.Weight Watchers Fruities
By far the worst of my diet food offenders, because their crimes were committed on so many levels. These practically points-free sweets did nothing to encourage healthy eating. They tasted a bit funny. They used a weird sweetener in them. They had a warning on the packet that said that consuming too many of them at once would result in a laxative effect. Did I heed that warning? Heck no, but I was spared multiple trips to the loo. Instead, I was able to enjoy crippling stomach pains for several hours. Lovely!

So there you go. Realise I’ve only got myself to blame for taking things too far. Which is why I prefer to make things up as I go along now – I’d rather have a small morsels of  delicious and nutritious grub than cram my gob with ‘frankenfoods’, ta very much.  




Filed under Cravings, dieting disasters