My top 5 filling foods

apple_raisin2I’m always having to remind myself that not all foods are created equal when it comes to pure filling power. And when I say filling, I mean a healthy food that will sustain you for a good three hours with no nasty blood sugar wobbles. So, at the moment, here’s what’s working for me.

5. Soup

Homemade is best, but if I do go for a ready-made soup it has to be a fresh one, like the New Covent Garden Soups. I find soups so satisfying that it doesn’t matter so much if some of them are a little creamy, as I’d be hard pushed to overeat them.

4. Homemade vegetable pasta sauce

I’ll often make a fresh pasta sauce from some chopped onion, tomatoes, garlic and any suitable veg in the fridge such as mushrooms and courgettes. Add a bit of seasoning and all it needs is quite a small portion of pasta to create a low cal meal of gigantic proportions. With that much veg, I’m kept nice and full for ages. Actually, I’m usually totally stuffed after eating this.

3. Beans/pulses

Either in a veggie chilli (I’m vegetarian) or in something such as a tasty lentil stew or soup. If I’m pushed for time then beans on toast is a tried and tested lunch that will set me up for the afternoon.

2. Eggs

As sure as eggs is eggs, if I have them scrambled on toast for brekkie I can avoid any mid-morning slumps, and sail on through until lunch quite happily.

1. Porridge

My number 1 filling food, and one that I enjoy on a daily basis at the moment. My current favourite is Dorset Cereals‘ Apple and Raisin Fruity Porridge  – it’s delish and it really keeps me going for hours. I tend to have it with unsweetened soya milk and a little drizzle of honey – yum!


Filed under Top fives

2 responses to “My top 5 filling foods

  1. You’ve inspired me to do a post like this tomorrow! This was really interesting reading and really got me thinking. 🙂

    I like Dorset Cereals too!

    • 1ucy

      Great! Would love to read what works for others. Dorset Cereals are fantastic – looking forward to trying some of their other porridge flavours – think they do a raspberry & cranberry one and also a date & banana one too – tempting!

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